Early morning fun...
Jamin is getting so big these days. I set him on the little rug we have and he looks around, trying to join in on all the fun Reese is having. He has rolled over a couple times and loves to play with his feet now! He is interested in toys, so i often hand him something that rattles and he gets a kick out of it. He loves his sister and always gets a huge smile when he hears her voice in the morning. She loves him too.
Reese is so funny. She now likes to have her little dolls talk to each other and do fun things. Yesterday 'Bubblegum baby' was at home and 'Dora' came by for a visit. They decided they would climb up Camel Back Mountain, which really was just a few books stacked on each other. Poor Dora fell and needed a bandaid, so Bubblegum found her one and took her home for a nap!
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