Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The heat has come! It is now consistently in the 110's and only going to get hotter. But, we are finding ways to make sure we can keep going. One thing that is really going to be a blessing during this next month is having my sister Elizabeth come and visit. Anyone living overseas will tell you that a visitor is the best gift you can be given. So, after alot of work and prayer we got her a visa and she has a ticket for May 1st!

The past few weeks have been busy with hosting and conference. One week full of meetings was good, but wore us out! Then this past week we have had people staying with us. We really enjoy hosting people and it has become a regular ministry that we have.

Could you all pray for a few things? Reese has a rash that has not gone away for months... it really concerns me and so would you all pray we can figure it out soon? Also, Praise God that Elizabeth can come! There are always details that have to be worked out until she is actually out of the airport and in our home, so we will need constant prayer for it all to work out. Pray that the blessing of having her here will really happen and that we will all get through the month of May with JOY, in-spite of the heat!


Elizabeth said...

How wonderful that your sister is going to visit. I'm praying for Reese's rash and surviving the heat!

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