Small commercial! There is no library where we are living and especially nothing for our kids. This sure makes it hard for kids and moms when we have to read the same 10 books over and over again. So, a few friends and I have been trading our kids books back and forth. That was a great idea until we all kind of exhausted them too! I have a vision... a solution to it. Start my own library for the other moms and their kids in the area. We would all benefit, especially the homeschooling moms, from a quiet room with couches, rugs and piles of books. My plan is to have anyone interested in donating used books for our library send them to a central location in the states and have them brought over here when there is extra luggage weight available. My vision is to get small groups, bible studies, youth groups, and homeschool groups exited and eager to help collect books for us. I'll keep you posted on how it all pans out!
In the mean time, here are a few photos. This is me with my Pumpkin Fudge! Ben made it for me for Mother's Day and it was overwhelmingly wonderful. I was amazed that it set so beautifully and only he knows how much I LOVE pumpkin fudge!
I'm so glad your sister made it out to visit. What a wonderful treat! Your book idea looks great. I would love to contribute as I have too many books and have wondered what to do with them.
I didn't even know pumpkin fudge was an option. Okay so we love the book idea. Count us in and tell us what to do. I can start by going through our books and having our friends do the same. Just say the word. Oh and Mark thought that would be a great MOPS project.
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