Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thanks to all of you who prayed for us while Ben was gone. He ended up having a wonderful trip and learned a lot. There was much to process and think through and it was good that we were apart so that he could have that time to focus. I was so thankful that God kept me and the kids safe and happy. We were busy with friends, dinners out and play dates! It was good to have Ben come home - especially when he brought us some special things from Kenya... a pillow, dark chocolate, coffee beans and a little christmas tree! We can't wait to set it up and start thinking about Christmas this year.

Two days ago Ben gave me the afternoon off so that I could go by myself to a coffee shop and write some notes. I was eager to get some time alone. About 5 minutes after I drove from home I was hit by a bus at the intersection close to our house. The bus gunned the green and hit me as I was going through. Praise the Lord I was protected. The car did get a big dent and I did get a bit scratched up, but I was safe.

The experience was eventful and I am so thankful that the Lord was with me. I could have been terrified but He gave me peace through it all. After I was hit, several people surrounded the car, directed me to the side of the road and tried to tell me what to do. Because I don't speak the language very well, I just kept telling them I had to call my husband. "I don't understand, wait for my husband!", I kept telling them. They finally got through to me that I was to follow them to the police station and after Ben found someone to watch the kids he made it over there to be with me. It took 4 hours to work through what had happened. They told me that I was guilty although I obviously was the one hit and I clearly remember the light was green when I entered the intersection! It was tough to be discriminated against because I was a woman, alone, without witnesses and unable to communicate for myself. But, I'm so thankful for the experience as it taught me a lot about understanding what it is like not to have rights or a voice. I did pray much that the Lord would use it for good and not allow me to have bitterness or frustration with the culture and He has done that! I'm so grateful for the protection that the Lord provided for me.

1 comment:

rachel joy said...

oh my friend, how scary. I'm amazed at your peace and perspective on the whole thing. And so thankful you're okay!