Jamin is walking all over the place now and turned 1 on Sept.8th! He is so funny and loves to make faces and get everyone else laughing. He has learned to climb and i've been finding him on the coffee table and standing up on chairs. Keeping me busy, but it is so much fun to watch his little personality form that i can not complain one bit!
Reese is now doing school every day. I really can't believe it. We had planned on doing homeschooling with her when the time came and so recently she has been eager to 'do school'! Every morning we sit down together and go through a few books people have given us (because i'm still trying to figure out what i'm going to use curriculum wise), read books together, work on bible memory, sometimes sing, sometimes go into the kitchen and work on a recipe of her choice, etc. She is growing into a beautiful little girl and is such a huge help to me. We have gotten into a good schedule and she happily helps me set and clear the table every meal, keep Jamin away from the ipod dock, pick up her toys and bring Daddy his coffee around 10:00am every morning.
Ben is in love with his job now. He is doing Bible Translation, working with teams to help them translate accurately, checking their translations and helping them understand the original Greek text. It is wonderful that he can do some of his work from home as he often pokes his head out of the office and shares what he has figured out or discovered. I love watching him pour himself into this role God has prepared and equipped him to do.
I have been busy not only with homeschooling Reese, but also hosting the local girls who come to visit us. We serve them food and drink, offer them a place to get out of the hot sun and toys and books to play with. I have also tried to teach them the alphabet etc, but it is alot of work! I have a new Bible Study that God provide for me. I feel so excited about this because this one has some women older than me and I have been feeling the need for some wisdom and godly women to teach me.
Jamin walked into the office while Ben was working and wanted to help Ben for a few moments!
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