I've had to change browsers to get any of my pictures to post, but at least I figured out the problem!
Here are some pics of our bedroom, the before and after. A small group from our church in Kankakee, IL gave us money to do something for our house. We were trying to decide how to use the money. We thought about getting a new (good) mattress but that would be the whole amount of the money. Then we thought about buying a dining room table since ours is still the plastic one we've been using since arriving here, but that would only pay for half a table! So, we decide that we could fix up our room in a bunch of little ways and it would make a big difference.
It did! and it turned out beautiful! Here are some of the things we did -
-put a foam mattress under our futon to make it a little softer
-painted the walls!!!!!
-got an end table made
-little lamp
-new material for curtains and a comforter that I made
-little vase
The before picture is seriously what it looked like. We had tried to do special things to a few other rooms in our house, but wasn't able to do anything to ours. The after picture is how we are enjoying it now! It is amazing! We love it so much and can't believe how great it turned out! Thought you all would enjoy seeing it.